Irena Netter, Art Historian
The painting of Bozena Wozniakiewicz redefines, with this new exhibition of works, the scrutiny of an artist's soul. The ultra-sensitive artistic intuition created these extraordinary works - three-dimensional canvases creeping into a metaphysical realm. The constant contradictions exist in every one of us, we have many faces. The question is how to recognize the right one, the true one... The pieces balance a range of expressions: a pathetic smile of a clown, artifice, aphorism, universality... The duality of form and element chase its desired harmony. The paintings themselves become metaphorical, the symbolism is expressed in the simplicity of color and form. For instance in the portrayal of human faces - the dying and the dead, or the hourglass filled with the flame of flowers. Through the portrayal of the crucified human being, two-faced portraits, wondering castles, secret gold symbols the artist enters the 21-st century with her enlightened vision. One who reads the meaning of these monumental works will enter a new realm of the quiet reflection whose manifestation here is the work of Bozena Wozniakiewicz.Leszek Woliński, Painter